"If I could make an arrangement where I had a stand-in, a frontman or frontwoman, and they had an earpiece in and I was just in my basement in my sweats looking through the stuff, then I could sort of deliver the lines but somebody else was doing all the talking and ceremony, then I'd be fine with that because I found the work fascinating", he told Colbert, adding that he doesn't miss wearing a tie for work "every day".
这也就解释了为什么美国国务卿篷佩奥被中国外交部骂成‘人类的公敌’。因为他根本不像川普那样,不谈谁制造了新冠病毒,谁使的坏谁放的毒,这样的‘技术’环节。 他要的答案是,为什么SARS, 新冠肺炎,都从某大国流向世界, 他们有什么共同的体制特征? Internet 的新生代, 可能根本不知道这样的历史: 2003年SARS爆发初期, 北京某友好医院, 为隐瞒真相, 躲避世界卫生组织的检查, 竟然用救护车拉着SARS的感染者在北京城里跑, 导致病情扩散。按美国的直线逻辑, 在法庭上,如果一个人被证明两次撒谎,他的证言价值等于零。 等于零。等于零。DO NOT BELIEVE A SINGLE WORD FROM SUCH A MOUTH!
至于修宪, 20世纪开始时有3个大国,土耳其,俄罗斯,中国,都探索了试验了100 plus 年,最后都殊途同归,通过 ‘修宪’ 回到各自历史模样的孤家寡人轨道上去了。