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[闲谈] 有可能iphone 5s 一台也卖不出去?

谁买谁后悔, 那垃圾的ceo啊
回复 3# 秂忢空
Wow, dead meat ... 5S 6  months later? Crap
公司为了赚钱,肯定有动力研发创新。就是竞争对手有三星 索尼 HTC 诺基亚  还有联想 等 好多手机品牌想分一杯羹,均分蛋糕呗。
According to a note released to investors earlier today, the iPhone 5C is not going to be a low end smartphone designed to replace the iPhone 4S; it is going to be a mid-range smartphone to replace the iPhone 5, the company’s current flagship.

iphone5S will be released 6 month late. I will have my first iphone by then............
戒无可戒再戒一戒 忍无可忍还忍一忍,
apple 市场疲倦了?