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[原创] 大傻, 今天ALLIN了木有?

if you think -1.5% is trapped, yes, I am trapped, but I am pretty egg calm when my portfolio drops the same rate as spy,,, it is a very important move I made last month to move out of the double high beta stocks into spy.

If you didn't watch it, that meant you were trapped.  But I think you will have a chance to get ou ...
not4weak 发表于 2011-8-1 15:51
this is one of benefits of trading ETFs, you may have only 2-4 positions and you can dump them in a couple of minutes,,,,, if  you have 20+ stocks to care, my gosh,,,,

你也挺能折腾的, 三下两下仓位就清了.
not4weak 发表于 2011-8-1 15:49
I think today should be THE day, however, I didn't do nothing except changed the short of gld to dpg ...
大傻_ 发表于 2011-8-1 15:49

If you didn't watch it, that meant you were trapped.  But I think you will have a chance to get out
I think today should be THE day, however, I didn't do nothing except changed the short of gld to dpg.

I am actually 100% long now, though most of which is spy,,, so I don't watch the market too much these days.
你也挺能折腾的, 三下两下仓位就清了.