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[闲谈] A Panda

Is on today's Bing page
Cute MM, nope ... not "沧桑".  It was just long time ago.
Not a bull, not a bear, I am just a wolf ... 偶還是習慣稱行情漲為紅盤跌為慘綠

Now I use google only if I cannot find what I need from bing.
Not a bull, not a bear, I am just a wolf ... 偶還是習慣稱行情漲為紅盤跌為慘綠
Now I don't see any significant advantage of google's search result vs that of bing's.
Not a bull, not a bear, I am just a wolf ... 偶還是習慣稱行情漲為紅盤跌為慘綠
I used google long before people heard the name google.
Not a bull, not a bear, I am just a wolf ... 偶還是習慣稱行情漲為紅盤跌為慘綠
Of course I use that.  Many people use that because it displays beautiful and interesting graphics on its search page.
Not a bull, not a bear, I am just a wolf ... 偶還是習慣稱行情漲為紅盤跌為慘綠
Is on today's Bing page
snowrider 发表于 2011-7-11 12:30

Bing?    only you use that