Losing weight is easier than you think! it just a matter of time you willing to spend. Here is my professor 
here is an interview: http://articles.cnn.com/2008-05- ... weight?_s=PM:HEALTH
There is NO TRICK!!! it's simple and takes time.
Here is the formula:
if you want to lose weight, count calorie 10 times of your weight.
for example: if you weight 160lbs, the calorie you can consume would be: 160 x 10 = 1600.
If you want to maintain your weight, the calorie you can consume would be 14 times of your weight. for example: if you weight 160lbs and want to stay that way, calorie you can consume would be 160 x 14 = 2240.
yes! you can eat that much of calorie and still lose weight! why? because when you don’t eat enough for extended periods, it perceives itself to be in danger from starvation. Since your body is wonderfully designed to protect you, it will slow down your metabolism to conserve energy so it can keep vital organs such as the brain and the heart going for as long as possible in the face of the perceived threat. While it will burn fat for fuel, it will also start burning lean muscle mass for fuel, which will slow down your metabolism even further. People on starvation diets invariably find that they regain all the weight they’ve lost (and then some) very quickly as soon as they start eating again. |