标题: [历史人文] New Book--美国华人奋斗史: 通向自由的坎坷之路 [打印本页] 作者: SpringMt 时间: 2010-3-2 01:53 标题: New Book--美国华人奋斗史: 通向自由的坎坷之路
董洁林真厉害, 又出书了,写美国华人奋斗史: 通向自由的坎坷之路 (转载)
和解时代的来临 — 孙晓光
董洁林和华美社朋友编辑出版的《The Rocky Road to Liberty》(通向自由的坎坷之路),收集了大部分早期华人移民美国的文献记录和法案。扎实而详尽的文字搜集和编辑工作呈现给读者一幅美国华裔移民同胞艰辛和沧桑的历史画卷。如果你是华裔和想了解美国移民史,这是一本应该详细阅读每一行的书。了解我们前辈所遭遇的歧视和不公正待遇,对于我们理解今天的美国制度和我们子女成长的社会环境,滋育我们寻求和解与宽容的精神,最终增强华裔作为少数族裔在美国社会各个领域的参与,本书都会给我们带来很多启示,像阅读《汤姆叔叔的小屋》一样,你可以闻到当年华裔在铺设横贯美国东西两岸铁路时洒下的血汗和泪水。
奥巴马总统没有想到自己是2009年的诺贝尔和平奖获奖人。但他所代表的思潮和方向是结合了开放社会的合作努力,扩展了非暴力解决冲突的可能性。同样,我们重温历史的目的,也是为了使我们的下一代能够不再被歧视,使人类更公正,更和平。祝愿《通向自由的坎坷之路》能够发挥这样的作用。华美会(Chinese America Society)在推动美国国会对当年排华法案道歉一事上,刚刚起步,但愿我们能用我们的智慧和努力完成这样的历史使命。
1. Overview of the Chinese Exclusion Act (CEA)
2. 排华法案历史简介
3. Chinese American Immigration History Time Line
4. 十九世纪美国政府对旅美华工的政策演变
5. Our Roots in History 亚裔在美国的故事
6. 吴剑雄:美国排华运动与排华法案之成立
7. Chinese Exclusion Laws and the U.S.-China Relationship by Haiming Liu
II: Rocky Road
1. The Voyage of the “Coolie” Ship Kate Hooper (By Robert J. Plowman)
2. California Gold Rush and the Chinese (1848–1855)
* Gold Rush and Anti-Chinese Race Hatred
* Chinese in the California Nevada City during Gold Rush
* 淘金热与美国的「西进运动」
3. The Chinese during the Transcontinental Railroad Period (1863-1869)
* The Chinese and the Transcontinental Railroad
* Chinese-American Contribution to Transcontinental Railroad
* 横贯北美大陆的铁路和华工
4. The Anti-Chinese Movements
* Anti-Chinese Agitation
* The Anti-Chinese Hysteria of 1885-1886
* The Wyoming Massacre
* Anti-Chinese Riot at Seattle
* Anti-Chinese Violence
5. The Angel Island
* 天使岛简介
6. McCarthyism (1947 – 1957)
* The “Loss” of China
* 麦卡锡主义对华裔美国人的影响
III: Historical Documents
1. Related US-China Treaties
* Treaty of Tientsin (1858)
* The Burlingame Treaty (1868)
* 试析1868 年《蒲安臣条约》与近代美国排华风潮之干系
* Angell Treaty (1880)
2. California's Anti-Chinese Laws as Prelude
* American Coolie Trade (NY Times 1860)
* California's Anti-Coolie Act of 1862
3. Chinese Exclusion Acts
* The Chinese Exclusion Act (1882)
* The Scott Act (1888)
* The Geary Act (1892)
* The Chinese Exclusion Laws Made Indefinite (1902-1904)
o The Scott Act (1902)
o The Chinese Exclusion Extension Act (1904)
* Asian Exclusion Act(1924)
o The 1924 Johnson-Reed Immigration Act
* Messages and Papers of the Presidents (1879-1897)
o President Benjamin Harrison (1989-1891)
o President Grover Cleveland (1893)
* Supreme Court Rulings Related to the CEA
o Yick Wo v. Hopkins (1886)
o United States v. Wong Kim Ark (1898)
o Weedin, Commissioner of Immigration, v. Chin Bow (1927)
* Counter Acts to CEA:
o President Rutherford B. Hayes vetoes the CEA (1879)
o Senator Hoar against the CEA (1882)
o The Morse-Everett Amendment (1893)
o Mark Twain's Observations (1849-1900)
* Repeal of the Chinese Exclusion Act
o President Urges Congress Repeal Chinese Exclusion Act as War Aid (NY Times 1943)
o The Magnuson Act (1943)
IV: Government Apologies
1. Chronicle of Government Apologies
* The Japanese American Internment and Apology
* Apology of House Leaders on Slavery
* Apologies to Native Americans
o House Resolution of Apology to Native Americans
o Senate Resolution of Apology to Native Americans
2. San Francisco City Apologizes to Chinese Americans (2009)
3. California State Apologizes to Chinese Americans (2009)