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标题: [原创] 这里有加拿大人吗?vote against C24 [打印本页]

作者: momowang    时间: 2014-7-11 00:51     标题: 这里有加拿大人吗?vote against C24

投票反对新移民法, 把移民置为二等公民,可以剥夺国籍的。 ... -or-rights-freedoms
作者: flex    时间: 2014-7-11 19:49

只是说可以剥夺多重国籍人的加拿大国籍吧. 而且也没有说移民的权利有任何改变, 只说从移民到公民的手续变贵了,变长了变难了吧
作者: zhangamy    时间: 2014-7-11 20:13

加拿大政府够好的了,失业了给你一年的钱找工作,生孩子给你生活费孩子有牛奶金。养孩子给你报销day care 钱。老了,给你养老的钱


作者: fortune1212    时间: 2014-7-12 01:51

本帖最后由 fortune1212 于 2014-7-12 01:52 编辑


作者: momowang    时间: 2014-7-12 02:17

我在哪里都是只有交税的份,从来没有享受过福利。 你说的任何福利我都没有享受到。 我也没有要怎样, 只是觉得公民不能分等级,为什么移民是二等公民。
作者: zhangamy    时间: 2014-7-12 03:44

本帖最后由 zhangamy 于 2014-7-12 15:14 编辑

K first,Read English version only, don't read translated one, pls!

It never implies any discrimination against the immigrations from the official English website.

The following is cited from the website u provided:

"Strips citizenship from those who did not obtain citizenship by birth if an official believes that the person never intended to live in Canada;

Strips citizenship from dual citizens even if they were born in Canada if convicted of certain crimes, even if those convictions occurred outside Canada. "

I don't understand why immigrations immigrant to a country and obtain the citizenship there, BUT they have no intention to live there, then whats the point of the immigration or obtaining the citizenship?  Or the immigrations just want to take advantage for being Canadian, holding a Canadian passport as a privilege to travel 123 countries without any hassle? Right now, the gov realizes those cases and tries not to be as generous as be4. Then ppl are mad for no longer able to take the advantage? Ridiculous and spoiled!  

Canada is a multicultural country, one of the counties with little or without discriminations. They expect the honesty and good manner from everybody. That's why the sec paragraph wrote:" Strips citizenship from dual citizens EVEN IF they were born in Canada if convicted of certain crimes, even if those convictions occurred outside Canada. Remember, even if u r naturally born Canadians u still have  chance to get stripped. It doesn't only apply to immigrations.

For those benefits I wrote in my previous post and you have not gotten chance to enjoy doesn't mean it wasn't existing.

My family (My hubby, my son and myself) all have dual citizenships:American and Canadian. We love both countries and feel grateful to be part of this society.

If I understand correctly, this form is to discuses the stocks related questions only! (Or some casual entertainment articles are welcome) I don't think it's right to post any political related issues here. Am I right?
作者: zhangamy    时间: 2014-7-12 03:48

本帖最后由 zhangamy 于 2014-7-12 04:07 编辑

iPad 的问题,不知道后面为什么是黑体了。
作者: jiahui    时间: 2014-7-12 08:39

作者: qzhou3    时间: 2014-7-12 14:35

I have lived in China, Canada and now America.  I know many who have applied to immigrate to Canada but do not permanently live there. Some Canadians work in the US because it could be hard to find jobs in Canada. What dangerous is the statement: "Strips citizenship from those who did not obtain citizenship by birth IF AN OFFICIAL BELIEVES that the person never intended to live in Canada".
What if that official has prejudice? What if the official is subjective? The statement sounds problematic to me.
I agree Canada should tighten its laws to limit the benefits to those who has never contributed to the country. But the decision should not be based on an official's belief...
作者: zhangamy    时间: 2014-7-12 15:08

本帖最后由 zhangamy 于 2014-7-12 16:08 编辑

回复 9# qzhou3

    There is a term"deemed resident" in accounting for tax purpose in Canada. Deemed resident means no matter where you live in the world, as long as you have shown enough evidence related to Canada such as, RRSP account, bank account, property in Canada , You could report tax in Canada and enjoy the benefit there. I think those evidence could fully help officials make the right decision


作者: momowang    时间: 2014-7-12 23:06

抱歉,不应该post here, 浪费大家时间了,请aimei删了, 谢谢。

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