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标题: [绝望] 肠子都悔青了 [打印本页]

作者: 好酒    时间: 2014-2-20 09:13     标题: 肠子都悔青了


作者: test2012    时间: 2014-2-20 09:47

回复 1# 好酒

我在30.5全跑了. 调下来点, 再进吗?
作者: aimei    时间: 2014-2-20 09:58

never know
作者: not4weak    时间: 2014-2-20 10:03


作者: test2012    时间: 2014-2-20 10:14

The latest report from the well-respected meteorologist Somar in Brazil yesterday, has forecasted that following the general but relatively modest rains over the past weekend and the scattered showers over many of the main coffee districts this week, that there is a wave of fresh rains due to move into the main coffee districts during the coming week.   These rains due to assist further to alleviate the stress that has been caused by a partial six week drought to the main arabica coffee districts in Minas Gerais and the north of Sao Paulo state, that had prevailed since the New Year.

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