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标题: [读书学习] trade the market in 360 degree [打印本页]

作者: svca    时间: 2013-6-19 16:46     标题: trade the market in 360 degree

本帖最后由 svca 于 2013-6-19 16:47 编辑


There are 5 potentially knowable factors that influence markets:
•        Fundamental analysis,
•        Technical analysis,
•        Market timing,
•        Market psychology and
•        Geopolitical events.

Each of these factors has an astrological component that can be analyzed by using the appropriate horoscopes. For example, to complement fundamental analysis we look at the incorporation horoscope. Astrology can also be a telescope or microscope on global stock markets. That is to say, it can be helpful in forecasting both long-term trends, or short, intraday stock and commodity moves.

Economic statistics are made public on a regularly scheduled basis and help market observers monitor the pulse of the economy. Because they are so closely followed by almost everyone in the financial markets and frequently draw a market reaction, the first thing you should know about these fundamental snippets of information is exactly when they will be released. Most brokerage firms produce economic calendars, or you can get the date information on the internet. Knowing when a key report such as U.S. employment is due to be released may help to explain some market moves.
You may not be a fundamental analyst, but you should have some sense of what the economic data is revealing about the economy. You should know which indicators measure the growth of the economy (Gross Domestic Product) and which measure the inflation rate (Producer Price Index and Consumer Price Index). You don’t have to be an economist, but after a while, you should become familiar with shifts in the major economic indicators. Some are much more important to traders than others, and that importance may change over time as the markets key on different reports at different times.

Among the hundreds of economic reports released by the U.S. government or its agencies, some have more importance than others, as far as the trader is concerned. Following is a sampling of some reports that tend to have the most effect on financial markets, keeping in mind that this list could change as other reports gain more attention:
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) – The sum of all goods and services produced either by domestic or foreign companies. GDP indicates the pace at which a country's economy is growing (or shrinking) and is considered the broadest indicator of economic output and growth.
Industrial Production – Chain-weighted indicator measuring the change in production of the nation's factories, mines and utilities. Usually associated with capacity utilization, a measure of industrial capacity and how many available resources among factories, utilities and mines are being used. The manufacturing sector accounts for one-quarter of the U.S. economy. The capacity utilization rate provides an estimate of how much factory capacity is in use.
Purchasing Managers Index (PMI) – The Institute of Supply Management, formerly called the National Association of Purchasing Managers (NAPM), releases a monthly composite index of national manufacturing conditions, constructed from data on new orders, production, supplier delivery times, backlogs, inventories, prices, employment, export orders and import orders. It is divided into manufacturing and non-manufacturing sub-indices.
Producer Price Index (PPI)– A measure of price changes in the manufacturing sector. PPI measures average changes in selling prices received by domestic producers in the manufacturing, mining, agriculture and electric utility industries for their output. PPI figures most often used for economic analysis are those for finished goods, intermediate goods and crude goods.
Consumer Price Index (CPI) – A measure of the average price level paid by urban consumers (80% of population) for a fixed basket of goods and services. CPI reports price changes in more than 200 categories. It also includes various user fees and taxes directly associated with the prices of specific goods and services.
Durable Goods Orders – Measures new orders placed with domestic manufacturers for immediate and future delivery of factory hard goods. A durable good is defined as a good that lasts an extended period of time (more than three years) during which its services are extended.
Non-farm payrolls– A feature report released on Friday of the first week of each month that indicates the number of new jobs generated by the economy during the previous month and the percentage of workers seeking employment that remain unemployed.
Employment Cost Index (ECI)– Payroll employment is a measure of the number of jobs in more than 500 industries in all states and 255 metropolitan areas. The employment estimates are based on a survey of larger businesses and counts the number of paid employees working part-time or full-time in the nation's business and government establishments.
Retail Sales – A measure of the total receipts of retail stores from samples representing all sizes and kinds of business in retail trade throughout the nation. It is the timeliest indicator of broad consumer spending patterns and is adjusted for normal seasonal variation, holidays and trading-day differences. Retail sales include durable and nondurable merchandise sold and services and excise taxes incidental to the sale of merchandise. Excluded are sales taxes collected directly from the customer.
Housing Starts – Measures the number of residential units on which construction is begun each month. A start in construction is defined as the beginning of excavation of the foundation for the building and is comprised primarily of residential housing. Housing is very interest rate sensitive and is one of the first sectors to react to changes in interest rates. Significant reaction of start/permits to changing interest rates signals interest rates are nearing a trough or peak. To analyze, focus on the percentage change in levels from the previous month. The report is released around the middle of the following month. Existing home sales and new home sales are other significant reports that reflect how the housing market is doing, one of the most important aspects of the economy.

Everyone would probably agree that the “fundamentals” – or at least traders’ perception of them – are ultimately the driving force underlying market prices. Much of today’s market analysis is based on prices, but it is the fundamentals that produce the prices. The challenge for traders is how to best learn about and study fundamentals in markets. Unfortunately, despite their significance, there is no quick and easy way to study market fundamentals, and you can’t find resources that focus only on fundamentals that impact all markets.
The most obvious fundamental factors are supply and demand for a particular market, especially the physical commodities. But lots of macro fundamental factors effect supply/demand and impact commodity and financial futures prices: weather, world politics, consumer tastes and consumer attitudes, disruptions in distribution channels, inflation, interest rates, currency values, natural disasters and much more. The number of fundamentals is enormous, adding to the difficulty of trying to interpret what they mean even when you do have the most recent reliable data. Every market is affected by fundamentals in related markets, putting an emphasis on intermarket analysis, but every market also has its own set of fundamentals.
For most traders, perhaps the most useful advice on fundamentals is to know when the key known events – reports, news releases, elections, etc. – are going to occur. You can’t predict the surprises – tsunamis, assassinations, etc. – but for those events that are scheduled on a calendar, you should be aware of the time when they could cause a price ripple, even though you rely on technical analysis for your trading decisions. It would be a bonus to know something about the history behind the event and have an idea about what traders are anticipating on an upcoming announcement.

Technical (LZ remark - the traditional TA is useful but limited)
Technical analysis focuses primarily on price, believing that every factor affecting the value of a market - weather, politics, supply/demand, government reports, statistics, and trader sentiment - is reflected in price. Therefore, technical analysts concentrate on price charts.
But analysts and traders, in their quest to get an edge on price movement, have expanded their studies of price far beyond the basic patterns and trend-lines as price action leaves its tracks on charts. They have massaged and manipulated prices to develop a number of technical indicators that provide more insight into price action than what is visible on the surface.
Bar or candlestick charts can reveal a lot of information about a market at a glance, but an indicator can put a number on those observations and confirm whether a market is strengthening or weakening or becoming overbought or oversold before it becomes evident on a chart. Many analytical software packages now include a variety of indicators as the computation capabilities of computers have evolved.
Before getting too wrapped up in the power and potential of technical indicators, keep in mind several things that apply to indicators in general:
•        No single indicator is the Holy Grail of trading. Most traders who look at indicators look at several different indicators to confirm or corroborate what they see on a chart or in the price data.
•        An indicator that works well in one type of market condition may do poorly in another market condition. There is no perfect indicator for every market in every time period in every market condition.
•        Most indicators look only at the same thing, price - that is, they may look a little different from one another, but they are usually just another spin of the same data source.
•        Indicators may be subject to subjectivity. The time frame and indicator parameters may be curve-fit to produce the best performance on historical data but may not work as well in real trading.
•        The best clues from indicators may come from divergence - prices make a higher high but the indicator makes a lower high. In many cases, the indicator underlying market action may provide the best insight for future price movement.

Market Timing
With time as a constant you had a reference against which you could better analyze the market's two-way continuous auctions. Time allowed a more contextual view of the market. For example, a news item that stated that GM sold four million cars isn't very meaningful. However, saying that GM sold four million cars in the first quarter of 2012 is far more relevant. GM pastes a sticker on each car listing its equipment and the final manufacturer suggested retail price. Seldom does an automobile sell for the price listed on the sticker. Price is just an advertisement. GM constantly analyzes how many cars--volume--were sold in a ten-day period and at what price; how many cars were sold in 5 ten-day periods, 10 ten-day periods, etc.

Any transaction that is financial in nature is comprised of three components:
1. Price advertises opportunity.
2. Time regulates all advertised opportunities and,
3. Volume measures the success or failure of those advertised opportunities.

Currently, there is debate whether to employ a traditional TPO (time price opportunity) profile or a volume profile. This is unfortunate as it is the combination of time and volume that yields the most valuable analytical information as shown above in the GM example.

There is a constant tendency to want to simplify the process around which trading decisions are reached. Focusing on volume does simplify that process. However, focusing on volume alone is too limiting to address the complexities of trading and human behavior. There is, in fact, only one real constant; that constant is time. Each 30 minute period, single day, week, or month is constant.

It is the plotting of price, a variable, against time, a constant, that yields market structure. Market structure reveals both:
o Patterns of human behavior
o Repeating patterns of change

Let's review a pattern of human behavior that is captured by the traditional TPO Market Profile. Take a look at Figure  below: E-Mini S&P 500 May 3, 2012--The Short Trap.

1. Aggressive selling from the opening bell.
2. The POC (point of control) or widest point on the Profile reading from left to right. This is the price that was traded over the longest period of time on May 3, 2012. The objective of any market that is financial in nature is to seek a level where two-sided trade can occur. In the above example the POC identifies the level at which the market is attempting to come into balance. The POC is the "fairest price at which business is being conducted"; it is where price traded most often.
3. The settlement price for the day is far below the fairest price; traders are selling futures below the fairest price of the day. This is referred to as selling 'short-in-the-hole' or selling short below value.

On the following day price opened lower and spent most of the day rallying. The pattern reflected via the traditional Market Profile above told informed traders that the market inventory was too short relative to the POC or fairest price. The information was there to help traders both avoid the "short trap" and to take advantage of the inventory imbalance for a long trade.

The short trap example above is only one of the many repeating patterns of change made possible through the traditional Market Profile. Others include:
o Markets that are too long.
o Markets that have high odds of continuation.
o Markets that have increased odds of reversals.
o Markets that are in balance with limited opportunities.
o Markets that should be traded early.
o Markets that you should let "shakeout" prior to entering.

The traditional Market Profile estimates volume via the formula Price X Time = Volume. While it is not exact it does a good job of incorporating volume into the Market Profile while also conveying the equally important component of time.

I will continue talking about trading Market psychology and Geopolitical events learning from my mentor later.

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作者: 蓉儿    时间: 2013-6-19 16:50

作者: svca    时间: 2013-6-19 16:56

回复 2# 蓉儿




国内生产总值(GDP) - 无论是国内或国外公司生产的所有商品和服务的总和。 GDP表示一个国家的经济增长(或萎缩),被认为是最广泛的指标,经济产出和增长的步伐。
工业生产 - 连锁加权指标测量全美工厂,矿山和公用事业生产的变化。通常与产能利用率,衡量工业产能和多少可用资源间工厂,公用事业和矿山正在使用。制造业占美国经济的四分之一。产能利用率提供了一个估计多少工厂的产能是在使用。
采购经理指数(PMI)​​ - 供应管理协会,以前被称为全国采购经理人协会(NAPM),每月发布一个国家生产条件的综合指数,由新订单,生产,供应商交货时间,积压数据构成,库存,价格,就业,出口订单和进口订单。它分为制造业和非制造业分项指数。
生产者价格指数(PPI) - 一个衡量制造业的价格变动。 PPI衡量平均销售价格的变化,由国内生产者在制造业,采矿业,农业和电力公用事业行业其输出。最常用于经济分析的PPI数字是制成品,中间品,粗品。
居民消费价格指数(CPI) - 衡量城市消费者(80%的人口)为固定的一篮子商品和服务的平均价格水平。消费物价指数价格变动报告,在200多个类别。它还包括各种使用费和税收直接相关的特定商品和服务的价格。
耐用品订单 - 衡量与国内厂商当前和未来交付工厂耐用品新订单。持久良好的定义是一个很好的延长其服务时间(三年以上),持续长时间。
就业成本指数(ECI) - 工资就业是衡量在所有国家和255个大都市地区的500多个行业的职位数目。就业估计是基于一项调查显示,大型企业和计数国家的企业和政府机构中兼职或全职有薪酬员工数目。
零售销售 - 一种测量样品零售业在全国各地各种规模和各种业务的零售商店的总收益。这是广大消费者的消费模式,最及时的指标调整为正常的季节性变化,节假日和个交易日的差异。社会消费品零售总额包括耐用和非耐用品商品销售和服务,并附带销售商品的消费税。不包括销售税,直接从客户收集。
新屋开工 - 建设开始每月措施的住宅单位数目。一开始被定义为在建筑开始开挖建设的基础,主要包括住宅楼宇。房屋是很利率敏感和是第一部门对利率的变化做出反应之一。重大反应开始/许可证利率变动信号利率已接近低谷或高峰。分析,侧重于从上月的水平变化的百分比。该报告公布后围在中间的下一个月。现房销售和新屋销售其他重要报告,反映了住房市场是干什么的,经济的最重要的方面之一。

每个人都可能会同意“基本面” - 或者至少是交易商的看法,他们 - 是最终驱动力相关市场价格。今天的市场分析的基础上的价格,但它是生产价格的基本面。交易者所面临的挑战是如何更好地了解和研究市场的基本面。不幸的是,尽管他们的意义,有没有快速简便的方法来研究市场的基本面,你不能找到只注重基本面影响所有市场的资源。
对于大多数交易者,也许是最有用的建议基本面是要知道当已知事件的关键 - 报告,新闻发布,选举等 - 将要发生。你不能预知的惊喜 - 海啸,暗杀,等等 - 但预计在日历上的那些事件,你应该知道的时间时,他们可能会造成价格波动,即使你依靠你的技术分析交易决定。知道一些事件背后的历史,有一个想法,什么交易商预计即将公布,这将是一个奖金。

技术(LZ一句话 - 传统的TA是有用的,但有限)
技术分析主要侧重于价格,认为影响市场的价值,每一个因素 - 天气,政治,供应/需求,政府报告,统计和贸易商情绪 - 反映在价格中。因此,技术分析集中在价格图表。
•大多数指标仅在看同样的东西,价格 - 也就是说,他们可能看起来有点彼此不同,但它们通常只是另一种自旋相同的数据源。
•最好的指标线索可能来自发散 - 价格提出更高的高,但指标使得高。在许多情况下,该指标相关市场操作可能会提供最好的洞察未来价格运动。

作为一个常数随着时间的推移,你有一个参考,可以更好地分析市场的连续双向拍卖。时间允许上下文对市场的看法。例如,一则新闻表示,通用汽车售出400万辆汽车项目是非常有意义的。不过,他说,通用汽车在2012年第一季度销售了400万辆汽车是要有意义得多。 GM粘贴,每一辆汽车上的贴纸列出其设备的最终制造商的建议零售价。很少的汽车贴纸上列出的价格​​出售。价格只是一个广告。通用汽车不断分析共售出多少辆汽车 - 音量 - 5 10天期间,10个10天期间,共售出多少辆汽车在10天的期限,以及在什么样的价格;





让我们回顾一下人类行为的格局被抓获的传统TPO市场概况。看看图如下:E-迷你S&P 500指数2012年5月3日 - 空头陷阱。

2。控制点(POC)或最宽处的个人资料,从左至右阅读。这是2012年5月3日的价格交易的时间最长。任何在本质上是金融市场的目的是寻求双面贸易发生。另外,在上述的例子中的POC确定在哪一级市场正在试图进入平衡。 POC是“公平的价格在开展业务的”,它是价格成交最常见的。



传统市场资料估计量,通过价格X =体积公式。虽然这是不准确的,它做得很好,同时也传达了同样的重要组成部分,将批量进入市场概况。

作者: 蓉儿    时间: 2013-6-19 17:03

回复 3# svca


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