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标题: [分享] What should I do when we heard a rumor about our Co.? [打印本页]

作者: ranchgirl    时间: 2013-1-12 00:29     标题: What should I do when we heard a rumor about our Co.?

Q. What should I do when we heard a rumor about our Co.?【原创】
Rumors sometimes are just rumors, but sometimes are symptoms of future movement. It is very hard to distinguish them.Sometimes ago, I was working for a large telecom, there was a rumor about big lay-off or even division spin-off. I was still working like crazy, but updated my resume at the same time. Since it was a booming time, I sent my resume on Monday, and got 3 telephone interviews on Wed. night, a fly-over interview on Fri. an offer on Monday. There was an interesting episode then, I sent my resignation to my manager, he forgot to turn it to HR. Later I found out, he was busy looking too, and quit a little later . After I left 2-3 months, there was a big lay-off, and then the division was sold. All the C++/VB programmers quit earlier . All the HR people lost their job on one day .Worrying is absolutely no use. You just work as usual, and do something about your future at the same time. This was exactly what I did last year, when we knew, almost for sure, that our company was going to shutdown. Only three or four people there were still working like crazy, oh, plus the owner or CEO. One of the crazy people was called Ranchgirl . The last skill I put on my resume, because of which I got a lot of recruiter calls then, was learned during the final weeks of that company. Get the best out of the rumor, not the worst! Good luck to everyone!

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