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标题: [活动] Registration: Dragon Boat Race 龙舟节 - Team CYPN [打印本页]

作者: kindle    时间: 2012-4-10 23:29     标题: Registration: Dragon Boat Race 龙舟节 - Team CYPN

画鼓朱旗、锦标齐夺;龙舟竞渡、沱水欢歌! 又到了一年一度的查尔斯河龙舟节了。今年端午(June 9th and 10th) 我们准备推出两个龙舟队,每艘18人(一名舵手,一名喊号敲鼓,16名划手),有兴趣报名的童鞋们要抓紧了!

Early Registration的截至时间为这周末,按照组织者的报名价格平均下来为一人$50, 包括训练费用,比赛费用以及购买队服。

报名费请Paypal给Jamie Wang:

我们今年有可能获得Sponsorship, 如果获得赞助每人的报名费用会被得到退款。

另外每人训练次数至少是三次, 总共最多六次训练,每次一小时。 你可以和我们大多数人一起训练,也可以自己按照可以安排的时间参加别队的训练 (每天都有训练可以参加)。 如没有达到组织者的总共三次训练要求将丧失比赛资格(无退款)。 有具体问题可以问 Shell Yu.

It's that time of the year for the annual Boston Dragon Boat Festival

We would love to be part of this event this year again, early registration will end on April 15th.

We could like to know how many of you are interested in join us for the race. Please keep in mind, this is a 2 month commitment. (total of 3 practices minimum)

In order to satisfy the requirement set by event organizer, each member have to be show up for at least 3 practices total, 1 hour each. There are practice going on everyday, so if you can't make it to the team practice, you can always practice with other team.

As for the price it is $750 for the 1st boat, and $700 for the 2nd, and $600 for the 3rd. Each boat can have MAX of 18 people, so we need to know how many people we have to know the price per person. Either way it is a lot cheaper than renting a boat and have fun on Charles River! And it's a great workout!!!

Please sign up, and paypal $50 to This amount will include the price of the boat, and a team t-shirt! If at some point we got some Sponsorship. We will refund the money to you.

Again, please do this ASAP, we want to try to have a team before put in our registration in.

If you have any questions, please contact Shell Yu for details.

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