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标题: [闲谈] 让张绍刚吃瘪的刘莉莉,V5 [打印本页]

作者: 马丁    时间: 2012-1-18 00:26     标题: 让张绍刚吃瘪的刘莉莉,V5

作者: tfmegatron    时间: 2012-1-18 02:01

作者: lailaolan    时间: 2012-1-18 12:43

I think this anchor is awful, he is aggressive and condesending to the interviewee.  That "China"talk is blunt and unnecessary.  As an anchor, one should hold no position to criticize interviewee and interviewer, he shall be an open and un-biased platform without letting his personal opinion mislead anyone (even though this is very hard to so, but that is what a good anchor's lesson 101).  Anchor should have questions with quility and quantity to let interviewee to perform themselves infront of interviewers and audience, therefore those two parties can communicate and make a well-informed judgement of each other and evidence-based decision.  

I think his attacking this interviewee is just to vent out his anger over the fact that he does not know "heroic coupler"or whatever the name of that, in another word, she made him lose face.  So was that male commentater who self-claimed living oversee for more than ten years.  This girl is quite a character, she is smart and acute.  She dose not take any nosense from anyone, she did nothing wrong in this interview but trying to put herself  in the same level with them, rather than subordinate herself.  If an anchor or an interviewer cannot take a stand like that from an interviewee, he need to adjust his attitute.  By no means job seeker is lower than a job giver.  This is just a market------buyer and seller are all equal-leveled.  I say that from my own experiences both as interviewer and interviewee, and I am very successful.  Every party got to know that humbleness is not subordination.  However, Chinese doesnot have the concept of "every man born equal" as American does.  That is something we need to work on, even that may take hundreds of years to achieve.

That girl is very real to show her true self.  And I am sure each and everyone in that show wish he/she could be bald enough to say what they want to say just like she did.  The day when she learn to hide her real thoughts will be a sad day.   

Enough said.

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