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标题: [闲谈] 希腊爆发大规模抗议示威! [打印本页]

作者: not4weak    时间: 2011-10-1 14:16     标题: 希腊爆发大规模抗议示威!

Strikes hamper Greek rescue effort

By Kerin Hope in Athens, Michael Mackenzie in New York and Robin Wigglesworth in London

Wildcat strikes in Greecehave prevented the country’s bureaucrats from finalising next year’s vital budget figures, potentially holding up this month’s release of sorely needed fiscal aid and capping an ignominious quarter for global markets.
Despite a tentative improvement in sentiment over the past week, mounting fears over a potential Greek default and the tepid pace of the global economic recovery led to one of the worst three months on record for financial markets.
作者: 怒尊    时间: 2011-10-1 14:35


Never sell on strike news

作者: fenhonglian    时间: 2011-10-2 05:48

哈哈, 希腊人还示威呢, 他们也没想一想, 他们凭什么借钱不还啊! 一个国家, 60%的人是公务员,
前天听到bbc一个访谈节目, 一个希腊的妈妈, 几个孩子, 自己不工作,
还嫌政府给的钱不够用。别的欧洲国家都是重税, 希腊人不交税,还要白拿钱,别人给钱给慢了, 还要示威,
作者: not4weak    时间: 2011-10-2 08:24

回复 3# fenhonglian

人民有错吗? 没有,是政府管理问题

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