标题: [基础分析] Lawmakers Renew Push to Reach Deal on Cutting Deficit [打印本页] 作者: tfmegatron 时间: 2011-7-23 19:40 标题: Lawmakers Renew Push to Reach Deal on Cutting Deficit
本帖最后由 tfmegatron 于 2011-7-23 19:49 编辑
WASHINGTON — Racing to reassure markets in the wake of an angry breakdown in the federal budget negotiations, Congressional leaders gathered Saturday evening to try to reach a new deficit-reduction agreement that Speaker John A. Boehner told colleagues could cut $3 trillion to $4 trillion in spending over 10 years.
“We are working, and I’m confident there will be resolution,” Mr. Boehner told fellow House Republicans on an afternoon conference call, according to participants. “There has to be.”
Hours after that call, Mr. Boehner met in his Capitol office suite for about an hour with the other leaders of the House and Senate — Senator Harry Reid, the majority leader; Senator Mitch McConnell, the Republican leader; and Representative Nancy Pelosi, the Democratic leader — in an effort to iron out contentious points in an emerging deal they would like to make public Sunday before the opening of financial markets in Asia.
Officials said that during a morning session at the White House, the Treasury secretary, Timothy F. Geithner — reflecting concerns that global markets could react adversely to the end of White House negotiations — urged lawmakers to signal some agreement on Sunday to prevent a steep market selloff that might spread.
The tense series of high-powered meetings on Saturday was reflective of the sense of urgency among lawmakers little more than a week before the federal government risks defaulting on its debts, a fate that could be avoided if Congress agrees to increase the $14.3 trillion debt ceiling. Congressional Republicans, Democrats and President Obama have seized on the debt fight as a way to win approval of a debt-reduction package but have disagreed sharply over what it should include.
he speaker, who abruptly broke off budget talks with Mr. Obama on Friday evening, said he hoped the plan could be finished within 24 hours and indicated on the conference call with House members that the savings would most likely be achieved in two stages.
As described by knowledgeable Congressional aides, the emerging agreement would enact a first round of cuts of just under $1 trillion, an amount they said was sufficient to clear the way for a debt limit increase through 2011. A second increase would follow after a newly created legislative commission considered a broader range of spending cuts, program overhauls and potential revenue increases.
But Republicans and Democrats were divided over how that second increase in the debt limit would be approved, since Democrats have dug in against anything they see as a short-term extension that would require multiple votes on the debt increase before the end of next year.
“I will not support any short-term agreement, and neither will President Obama nor Leader Pelosi,” Mr. Reid said in a written statement Saturday “ We seek an extension of the debt ceiling through at least the end of 2012. We will not send a message of uncertainty to the world.”
Mr. Reid and the other leaders met at the White House on Saturday morning at the request of Mr. Obama. The meeting broke up without resolution just before noon, after about an hour of discussion.
In a statement after the White House session, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the Republican leader, indicated that he and his leadership counterparts were trying to devise a fallback measure to assure the borrowing ceiling was raised in time.
“The president wanted to know that there was a plan for preventing national default. The bipartisan leadership in Congress is committed to working on new legislation that will prevent default while substantially reducing Washington spending,” Mr. McConnell said.
The White House, in its own statement, said that Mr. Obama reiterated his opposition to a short-term extension of the ceiling because it would hurt the economy, prompt rating agencies to downgrade the nation’s credit rating and drive up interest rates for all Americans.
“As the current situation makes clear, it would be irresponsible to put our country and economy at risk again in just a few short months with another battle over raising the debt ceiling,” the White House statement said.
The rancorous ending to the debt discussions on Friday means that leaders of the House and Senate now have only days to find a debt limit solution that has eluded them for months, gaming out ways to get a debt increase through a Republican-controlled House packed with conservatives demanding deep cuts and no new revenues.
Paid too much for those unemployed which leads loss of motivation to seek jobs.
It is absolutely not fair to increase tax rate.
88, 99作者: 何鸿燊 时间: 2011-7-24 00:44
Good News: It's Almost Over After Pelosi Says Congress Looking At "Two-Tiered" Deal
With 23 hours left until the Asian open (or, more importantly, 19 hours until FX trading resumes) and with today's round of talks now official over after a one hour meeting in Boehner's office with congressional leaders achieved nothing, it is becoming clear that the final debt ceiling outcome will be "no change" in spending or taxing habits and a temporary hike in the debt ceiling, so that the soap opera can be repeated again every three months... and again... and again...
and so forth for an "extended period of time" as "transitory solutions' become the new grand consensus.
At least we now know the phrase for complete, impotent incompetence in the Hill is: "Two tiered approach" which is how Nancy Pelosi called the last minute attempt at compromise.
Per The Hill: "House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said Saturday night that congressional leaders are considering a two-tiered approach to raising the debt ceiling and reducing the nation’s long-term budget deficit. Pelosi reiterated that she backs “a long-term extension” of the $14.3 trillion debt limit, putting her in line with the demands of President Obama and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.)." Alas this now appears to be a mirage: at best the Republicans will agree to a $200-300 billion extension to get the Treasury through for another 2 months (although at the delayed run rate, Geithner needs to issue $350 billion in debt right now just to catch up with where bond issuance should be). And then again until the general public gets so tired of this charade that they vote Obama out. Or so the republicans think. Or who the hell knows what they think. Or anyone else for that matter. It does appear however, that unless there is a definitive and consensual proposal on the table by 4 pm tomorrow when FX opens, the market will no longer be able to ignore what is happening in DC. Which brings us to the best news of the day: this whole farcical spectacle is almost over.作者: 看彩云伴海鸥 时间: 2011-7-24 00:44
aimei, agree。you are right。we pay tax to support those lazy people。作者: 何鸿燊 时间: 2011-7-24 08:56
本帖最后由 何鸿燊 于 2011-7-24 08:57 编辑
There's a heat wave outside and it may be even hotter on Capitol Hill today as congressional leaders try to reach a bipartisan accord to avert a debt-ceiling crisis on Aug. 2. House Speaker John Boehner of Ohio says he wants to announce the outlines of a plan by 4 p.m. to reassure investors.
Why the rush?作者: tfmegatron 时间: 2011-7-24 13:06
There's a heat wave outside and it may be even hotter on Capitol Hill today as congressional leaders ...
何鸿燊 发表于 2011-7-24 08:56