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作者: 棋王    时间: 2011-6-30 13:47     标题: 不弱请进


瑞信表示公司已經調高了制造業ISM的預期,從之前市場預期的(51.0)調高到目前的(53.5)。如果這一數據得以實現,將顯示制造業ISM在5月份表現不佳後出現了趨穩的態勢。 本周發布的一些地區6月份的制造業PMI指數表現不錯,比如今天發布的芝加哥(6月為61.1,而5月則為56.6)和堪薩斯(6月為14而5月為1),而本月中旬紐約和費城發布的數據就比較令人失望惡劣。由於東北和亞特蘭大中部的數據不佳而中西部則相對表現搶眼,因此6月份的制造業ISM比以往更加難以預測
作者: not4weak    时间: 2011-6-30 13:51

回复 1# 棋王
If it gets to above 50, mkt should rally;if 45, mkt should fall below 1300. Agree?
作者: 棋王    时间: 2011-6-30 13:53

回复  棋王
If it gets to above 50, mkt should rally;if 45, mkt should fall below 1300. Agree?
not4weak 发表于 2011-6-30 13:51


作者: not4weak    时间: 2011-6-30 13:55

回复 3# 棋王

    "ISM should be weak, based on the PMIs that were already released, namely New York and Philly in addition to what we expect will be a soft Chicago, which is released Thursday," said Deutsche Bank chief U.S. economist Joseph LaVorgna. He expects ISM at 49.5 but that should represent a temporary dip as the auto industry increases production and supply chain disruptions from the Japanese earth quake end.
作者: snowrider    时间: 2011-6-30 13:56

王琦 - your pig head looks cute today.
作者: 棋王    时间: 2011-6-30 13:58

王琦 - your pig head looks cute today.
snowrider 发表于 2011-6-30 13:56


作者: snowrider    时间: 2011-6-30 14:04

我 我 我 ... 我這是招誰惹誰了?!  
作者: seafood    时间: 2011-7-1 10:10

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